Wild Atlantic Way

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Wild Atlantic Way

Post by PJ4863 »

Ireland/ Wild Atlantic Way
Day 1: EWR -> DUB
This is my first ride report on here, so bear with me! Dominique and I booked a self guided tour through a local company in Dublin. I’ll mention the company later, depending on how a few issues work out.
Not much here, except we got into Dublin at 5 AM local time. Luggage came out quick, and then Customs and Immigration. I think there was only one other plane that was in the terminal at the time, and we cleared in less than 10 min. The upside is that we had the foresight to get a hotel room for the night before, so once we got to the hotel, we could check in and pass out. We didn’t get much done this day except acclimate to the local time. The hotel is in the suburbs of Dublin, and we’re not far from the city center. We had a private car from the airport to the hotel, so it was just us, and our luggage. How can 2 people who are traveling on motorcycles have 2 large checked bags, 2 carry-ons and helmets?
Day 2- Dublin to Kinsale
Once again, we get a private car to the depot where we’re picking up the bikes. I’ll be on a WeeStrom, and Dominique’s on a Kawasaki Vulcan S. That’s her usual ride back home, so it should be fairly comfortable to her, plus we brought her seat. The Vulcan is part of Kawasaki’s fit every one line. There’s a 3 sets of bars, 3 sets of foot pegs, and 3 seats. You pick the size that fits you when you buy the bike, and the bike is a semi-custom fit. At home, she’s on the vertically challenged all the way around. I THINK the bike in Dublin has the close fitting bars, and the close pegs, but certainly not the short seat. Good thing we have hers, its narrowed and has a gel pad in it so she’ll be nice and comfy. In our pre-trip conference call, I was assured that all the bikes have panniers, top case, and a USB for phone. Her bike has none of that. Hmmmm.. not what we had planned on, however, there was a back up plan in place, so everything went on the Wee. Wasn’t too bad, Givi soft sided panniers, and a Touratech top case. I brought with me my rok-straps and a dry bag that fits on the back seat of the FJR. Everything fits, and she’ll have an easy ride with less weight on the bike. The also took our DL info, and ‘pre-authorized’ a credit card for any damages that may occur. Off we go! We start by following the offered route using the pre-programmed GPS. Due to the wrong (right?) side of the road transition, and getting used to the traffic patterns, we didn’t maintain the speed limit, so what was a planned 5 hours of riding grew to 7 pretty quick. This is where the rally experience kicked in, and we knocked off a couple of turns in order to not make worse time. We stayed at the Trident Hotel with a room overlooking the harbor. Room was awesomely big and nicely appointed. This was a rough travel day. We were both fairly tired from travel and this day had the highest mileage- 367 KM I believe. I don’t think we even came close to the 367. We did however get the last parking spot in the lot at the hotel! Weather wasn’t bad, we had some light rain for about an hour or so. With rain gear on, it wasn’t that bad, and neither of us got really wet. Temps were cool but easily manageable.
Day 3- Kinsale to Killarney
We managed to check out at a decent hour and pick up the pace a little. Again, there was coolness and rain in the forecast. Rain gear yet again, but at least we started the day with it on. We headed to Clonakilty, and then from there to Killarney. We didn’t follow the pre-arranged route, but instead cut through the countryside. We wanted to cut the day a little shorter, and get to the hotel sooner rather than later. Between the highlands, and the free roaming sheep, we were not let down by what we were seeing. Roads were narrow and a lil rough but empty. We barely had to deal with any traffic. One thing that had been weighing on me was the ‘pra-auth’ charge for the damages. My card was hit for a charge for 2500 Euro for each bike, not to mention that I thought it was way too high. I double checked my paperwork, and it was supposed to be for a grand each bike. I emailed the trip coordinator before we had left Kinsale and tried to put it out of my mind. I’m not letting the issues that we had ruin the trip. The hotel did not disappoint when we got there. We were booked at the Brehon Hotel and spa. We are missing the biggest bike rally in Ireland by only a few days. This has been the nicest place of the trip so far. The vitality spa was a large pool with water jets, a hot tub, a cool tub, sauna, steam room, and tropical shower. Yes, we tried them all. No Bob, you can’t go commando, but your banana hammock is just fine. We did not avail ourselves of the Kubledusche which is a bucket of ice water suspended over your head. We also had a dinner as part of the package at the hotel One stop shopping! Dinner was pretty darn good. Actually all the meals that we’ve had to this point have been pretty awesome. I also heard back from the tour coordinator with a promise to look into the charges and the lack of panniers/usb for the Vulcan S.
Day 3- Killarney to Dingle
Looking ahead at the day’s schedule, we came up with our own plan yet again. First, we’ll hit Ladies View, and then follow however the GPS brought us to Dingle. The plan was to get to Dingle relatively early, check in, dinner, and then hit the pubs in Dingle in search of traditional Irish Music. Ladies view did not disappoint. We got there, and luckily, the cloud base was much higher than the altitude that we were at. The road in was curvy and nary a pothole in sight. In fact, we haven’t seen a pothole anywhere in the country. NC DOT, can you take note? Road surface looks like they believe in chip seal pretty heavily as it was rough and quite bumpy in spots, but no loose sand, or gravel for the most part. Again, lack of traffic was pretty darn awesome. Back down off the mountain through Killarney again, and off to Dingle. Not only were we in the high country but farms abound. My only complaint is that the growth of the hedgerows blocks the view from the road on occasion. Arrival in Dingle was timely, and then we discover the lack of parking for the hotel. We park in a local lot, check in and find out where to park. I grab Dominique’s bike, and move it. Hmmmm, the hotelier forgot to mention that the car park was on top of a fairly steep loose dirt/gravel/rock surface. Too late now. I move the Wee and unpack the bike and get everything inside. We’re again right in the middle of downtown in the Dingle Bay Hotel. We fly thousands of miles, 3 days of motorcycling, and we’re finally going into an Irish pub for traditional music. We go to Dick Mack’s, order a drink and go deeper into the bar to where the piano and violinists are. They finish the current song, and move to the next… and its Billy Joel’s “Piano Man.” Well, that was worth the price of admission…. A shot of Jamison and we’re on to the next one. We had better luck in the hotel bar with the music.
Day 4- Dingle to Ballyvaughn
A late start, and away we go. We get on the Wild Atlantic Way and follow up. It runs the coast with views that are unforgettable. However, I didn’t bring the correct mount for my go-pro, so we’re not getting any awesome footage of the wide open valleys, the lush greenness and the rocks. Oh the rocks. We stopped by the high limestone plateaus outside of Ballyvaughn. I now know where they found the rocks to make all the walls in Ireland. We also had a quick 20 min ferry ride which was a pretty nice treat in the middle of the day. Rain? Not today, just awesome riding weather. We’re in Ballyvaughn which is a pretty small town. There’s a fair number of extra people in town due to a marathon in the AM. I checked my credit card this AM too, and one of the 2500 Euro charges was reversed bringing us much more in line to what it should be. So far the operator has been pretty responsive, and taken care of what needs to be done. Today’s highlight? We stopped on the side of the road to take a quick stretch break. Gate was open to the house we were in front of, and soon we hear barking, then we see the canine. She approaches the gate quite cautiously, but then quickly rolls over and lets me rub her belly. Some free pets in, she abandons me, and goes to the other side of the wall where Dominique is. Gets some more pets and then runs off. We figured she was done with us, but all of a sudden, she comes back with a ball in her mouth. She wants to play fetch! Who am I to say no to such a good girl. We play for a bit, and then back at it on the bikes. Tomorrow, off to Westport, where we have a down day scheduled as well.

More to follow.. and hopefully I'll get better at this.
TLDR? Food is amazing, riding is amazing, company is amazing. What more can I ask for?
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Re: Wild Atlantic Way

Post by Intech »

Great report so far except for two things:
1 - Where are the pictures?
2 - Why were you thinking about me going commando when you were in the spa? Creepy.
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Re: Wild Atlantic Way

Post by PJ4863 »

I suck at pictures. Dominique is in charge of them. I have my go pro with me, but didn't have a good mount for the motorcycle. The one I was planning on using didn't work out.
FJRPittsburgh loved this
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